Leigh Lifeline

The Leigh Lifeline phone is now up and running

Number – 07965 223526 or Email –

Leigh Lifeline is for everyone in the village and we aim to keep it going for as long as it’s needed. Please don’t be shy to ask for help, all of us need a hand sometimes even the numerous volunteers! and for any number of reasons.

Our team of volunteer helpers offers lifts, collecting shopping, prescriptions and other day to day help. We will try to help as much as we can whenever we can. All calls are completely confidential and will be handled by the phone coordinator and then handed on to one of the volunteers.

In addition we are mindful that this winter we cannot know how the weather and the cost of living crisis in particular will affect our community. We are working together to try to make our community, safer, happier and more resilient. As well as day to day support the phone line is also part of this initiative so do please pass on any suggestions and ideas via Philippa Toulson, Fiona Parks, the Parish Council, the Village Hall committee or the Churchwardens.

The Lifeline has a directory of resources; 4×4 vehicles, emergency lighting, cooking and heating facilities, generators etc. in case we experience power cuts and or bad weather. A further leaflet detailing other community initiatives will be circulated very soon and there will be an update in each edition of the Wriggle Valley Magazine. There is also information on line so please pass that on to friends and neighbours who may not get that information.


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