Parish Council

Latest News

  • Road Closure Information


    DORSET COUNCIL has issued a Notice under Section 14 [2] of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 as amended. All vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along TOTNELL, LEIGH  between its junction with C45 and a point approximately 85 metres north east. The Notice is needed in order to comply with health and safety regulations which require the provision of  safe working areas and to minimise likelihood of danger to highway users. It will come into operation on 14 January 2025 and remain in force for five days, however it is anticipated that the works will be completed by 16 January 2025.

    This Notice will enable Wessex Water safe access to renew stop tap. The alternative route, which will be sign posted is as follows: C45 – Bailey Ridge Lane – Bailey Ridge

    For further information about the work being undertaken and access arrangements, call  Wessex Water on 0345 600 3600. To discuss this Notice, contact Dorset Council on 01305  221020 or use our website: You can also find this information online:

    02 January 2025
    JAN BRITTON, Executive Director for Place Services – Dorset Council, County Hall, Dorchester DT1 1XJ. Any person who uses or permits the use of a vehicle in contravention of the Notice will be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1000.

  • Road Closure information

    LOCATION: – Batcombe Road Leigh
    To enable us to carry out essential highway maintenance works, we plan to close Batcombe Road Leigh from 14th to 17th January 2025. The road will be closed daily between the hours of 09:30 to 15:30 and will be re-opened to traffic overnight.

    We will be carrying out targeted and localised repairs to sections of those roads highlighted in red on the attached map. The recommended diversion route is marked in blue, and this will remain in place for the full duration of the above works. National regulations state that traffic must be diverted onto roads with the same classification as the one that is closed. For the health and safety of all parties, vehicular and pedestrian access is only available by calling the telephone number listed on our onsite signage.

    This will allow residents to be escorted safely on and off site by a Traffic Management Operative.

    If you wish to discuss these works in more detail, please contact me using the details below.
    Yours faithfully
    Colin Griffin
    Site Agent
    Dorset Highways
    Tel: 01305 228100

These pages include various Parish Council documents, information about contacting your council, along with dates and minutes of meetings. We aim to publish meeting agendas and minutes on this website and also on the village notice board by the village hall.

Members of the public are always welcome at meetings during an open discussion period.

The good councillor’s guide

This is a document explaining the roles of Parish and town Councilors. If you are considering standing for the Parish Council then please read this.

The good councillor’s guide