Leigh Village Hall (DRAFT)

Set in the centre of the village, with ample parking and over 2 acres of landscaped grounds, Leigh’s  Village Hall is an ideal venue for every type of function. The Hall is built in traditional style, but to the latest standards for safety, insulation and fuel efficiency.

The Committee

  • Sam Sanderson – Chairman
  • Rob Sanderson – Treasurer
  • Anne Rutter – Booking Secretary


Leigh Village Hall Booking Secretary
Anne Rutter


Treasurer, Leigh Village Hall Trust
Rob Sanderson
Email:       07942 800253 if urgent

Chair of Management Committee
Sam Sanderson




Latest News

This page shows the village hall bookings view which can go in the VH section to show whats on and allow users to book the hall

Use the related pages links on the RHS to see some other presentations of the same data

Monthly calendar
The initial view is set in the MyHallWizzard settings, so could change. User can change the view as they wish.
Clicking on empty space will bring up the booking form, not keen on that!